Outer Space Litter-July 31, 2012

Five little Spacelings.
Five little Spacelings.
Rescucitating newborn.
Rescucitating newborn.
Making sure they have them suctioned out good.
Making sure they have them suctioned out good.
Stimulation to make him cry!
Stimulation to make him cry!
The two boys (with their old ribbons, now Mr Blue and Mr Tan).
The two boys (with their old ribbons, now Mr Blue and Mr Tan).
Precious face.
Precious face.
Trying to get their first nursing on Chime.
Trying to get their first nursing on Chime.
Sleeping beauty with the smooshed nose.
Sleeping beauty with the smooshed nose.
Sleeping in the incubator.
Sleeping in the incubator.
Waking up.
Waking up.
Settling in with tired momma Chime.
Settling in with tired momma Chime.
Eating a big supper.
Eating a big supper.
Getting full.
Getting full.

We welcomed the Outer Space Litter, out of our Chime x Kamikaze, on July 31, 2012. 
Three girls and two boys.

Cassie (Ms Dark Pink)       11.4 oz
Max (Mr Tan)                   16.6 oz
Hailey (Ms Burgandy)       14.6 oz
Luke (Mr Medium blue)    15.9 oz
Stella (Ms Rainbow)         14.6 oz

Here's what Kamikaze's owner had to say about him:

Raggedy Run Time Well Wasted MH, WCX, CCA- by owner Laura Weinmann

Kamikaze is three things:

1) an exceptional hunting companion. My husband already feels that he will never own another working dog like him - Kamikaze just gets what hunting is about.

2) an awesome competition dog who loved hunt tests

3) a fantastic family member - he was a joy to have in our household and I thank Molly Schlachter for producing him. He was my heart dog. I loved him more and more every day. A friend told me once that someday I would love Kamikaze more than I could ever imagine and I didn't understand at the time as he was so young and had so much to learn and also to teach me. Now I understand and I am thankful every day for my friend's wisdom.

Kamikaze was my first Master Hunter dog and it was an incredible ride - including being a finalist in the 2011 Master National at 4 years of age. Kamikaze was completely amateur trained and handled. He qualified for the 2011 Master National with 6 straight Master passes and finished qualifying for the 2012 event at the conclusion of the 2011 test. Kamikaze was a great marker and very biddable at the line in competition. He was confident - running with style in competition and always being a team player. He gave the most wonderful readable signs telling me he knows what he is doing all the time - so I can relax. Kamikaze would run for anyone - proven when after only one day of training together - an amateur handler friend completing a master test with him during Hurricane Irene. I am still getting amazing feedback from the judges about his enormous courage on the water in the high wind. As a hunting dog he had tremendous quartering skills and very outspoken body language when on a bird. He hunted all fall with our extended family members who do not even own dogs - a true testament to his biddability - we could send him out with anyone and they had success and very few lost birds.

He comes out happy everyday - ready to train, hunt, hike or play.

Kamikaze was an easy dog to train - always attentive and eager to run, handled correction very well. He was a good water dog - went in honest and strong and got his work done. As he matured, I saw a better and bigger water attitude - making consistent good decisions about staying in or out of the water. He ran amazing blinds - taking great initial lines and carrying casts for enormous distances fighting factors with great confidence,

Kamikaze had the perfect Golden temperament. He was a typical male Golden "mush" around people - it is not enough to be touching him - you must be scratching, massaging or at least petting or he would wiggle all over you until you are. He was a wonderful full-time house dog, a great beggar and pre-washer of dishes. He had no issues with other males and was respectful of females. He wished I was into competitive obedience as he would be a star there too. He was a natural attention heeler and eager to please all the time. His paternal pedigree has dogs that prove working dogs can be exceptionally well built and good looking including his CH, MH, UD grandfather "Presley" and his CH, SH father "Spirit". His maternal pedigree brought the natural working and top notch marking ability with "Steeler"," Maverick", "Ki", and "Pardner".

Physically he was very athletic - spectacular to watch working. Kamikaze's attitude, energy level and looks reminded me greatly of his maternal uncle "Ticket". Structurally he was very handsome and moderate in all regards. I was encouraged to send him out to be finished in the breed ring but selfishly did not wish to give up the training or real hunting time. He had balanced conformation and strong movement, level top line, muscular loin and good foot timing. His front assembly was good, his rear was very strong with good tail set and carriage. His head was masculine but not overdone with good stop, deep muzzle and a balanced amount of back skull. He usually had a serious expression except when he is returning with his last bird - then you can see the calm smile behind the bird. Kamikaze had a dark eye, full and correct dentition and great feet. He had no skin issues and his coat was completely wash and wear - super straight. He had adequate coat and furnishings - very much a product of his environment.

He stayed in condition easily and maintained a working weight of 69-71 pounds all the time and stood 23 3/4".
