JUICE-- Gaylan's Juice Harp
BING-- Gaylan's Bingville Bugle
BRYCE-- Gaylan's Brass Fire 'n Ice
FENWAY-- Gaylan's Fenway Harp
TRAPPER-- Gaylan's Sound of Music
Momma Abbi and 8 of her 9 Music litter pups at 15 months.
CANYON-- Timberee's At Monument Canyon (sire) (photo by dogphoto.com
SHILOH-- Gaylan's Drummer Boy
EMMA-- Gaylan's Symphony
CHIME-- Gaylan's Wind Chime Melody
LUCI-- Gaylan's Lucida's Irish Flute
ABBI-- Gaylan's High Flying Abbi (dam)
Canyon's 2006 pinup calender picture